Obligatory About Section

Greetings, dear user. If you clicked on the "Akashi" section of my website, I'm assuming it's because you wanted to learn more about me. So, if you're interested, allow me to tell you some things about myself, and who I am as a person. (Even though its Tamamori, you can use his depiction on the left as a stand-in for my appearance.)

I am Akashi, a 19 year old nonbinary/bigender (they/he) autistic internet-dweller who likes to play video games and surf the internet for hours. I enjoy learning about new things and skills. I'm also a masculine dude who loves pink lol. I say and do a lot of tasteless things (one of the side effects of being as chronically online and cynical as I am), but I'm usually only half-serious. Nothing bigoted tho, I don't fuck with that shit.

As far as "hobbies" go, I enjoy writing, studying, and coding. I do art sometimes, too, but I think my skills are mediocre at best, even with 10+ years under my belt. Still, though, perhaps I will add an art section to my website once and/or I start doing art more consistently, and if I'm confident enough in it to actually put my shit out there.

If you've seen any of my writing, specifically my personal ramblings, you'll know that I'm a total yap-a-tron. Yes, despite being a major introvert, I will most likely talk your ears off if given the chance or if I'm feeling particularly chatty. Though I don't talk to people much, I think most of my yapping energy goes to my writing. I still do not know if that's a good or bad thing. I am a certified hermit who suffers a lot from agoraphobia, and I spend most of my time in my room on the internet (its my whole life), so I usually find a lot of things to talk or rant about.

I also enjoy a lot of classic literature. I don't know why, but reading works from before my time (I'm a gen z'er) is something I've always felt a strange sense of comfort in, even as a child. It might just be because I grew up around books outside of the ones meant for learning the English language, but it's something that I enjoy even now, when I'm old enough to collect books for my own collection. Or maybe it's just another token loner trait. My personal favourite books are probably Moby-Dick, Wuthering Heights, and War of the Worlds.

I find animals very fascinating, too. Specifically, I like bugs, marine life, birds, and all kinds of parasites. I enjoy cute videos of animals, of course, but I find myself drawn to the "weird" or "creepy" side of nature, which makes me appreciate these creatures a lot more than most, I think. If you know me on any kind of personal level, it's a trait you'll learn to expect. Oh, I also raise bugs from time to time, as well. I've raised multiple kinds, from spiders to moths, each of which will always hold a special place in my heart, as if they were really my children. Though I suppose that's a weird thing to say about bugs of all things.

As far as future plans go, I would like to be an indie game developer someday, with my own video game series based on dreams and ideas I've had for at least 5 - 6 years now, that people can play and (hopefully) find meaning in. Dreaming big, I know, but it's something I've thought about doing since I was very fresh in my teenage years, so it's an ambition that I want to make a reality someday. I hope I can be successful in my endeavors, regardless of how long it takes to see that future. I think its the one project I've ever been the most consistent about working on in my entire life.

In terms of music tastes, it honestly really just depends on my mood or what I'm doing. I typically listen to Japanese artists since that's what I grew up with anyway, but seeing as I have 400+ songs in my Spotify playlist... Well, the sky's the limit I guess lol. I usually listen to music when I'm working on something or performing tedious or repetitive tasks, as well as in the rare occasion that I actually draw something. I don't really like to work in silence. My favourite artists are probably Miho Fukuhara, Project Mili, Mitsuki Nakae, and Sambomaster, among a myriad of others (again, primarily Japanese). My music taste is kinda lame, but I tend to enjoy it, at least.

I am also a yumedanshi, meaning I ship myself with a fictional character. My fictional others are Angela from Project Moon and Tamamori from Koshotengai no Hashihime (or Hashihime of the Old Book Town), for very specific reasons which affects who I am as a person and the philosophies I hold. I understand that it makes me an individual who falls under the "cringe" category of the internet, but I think that's okay. I believe in the freedom of expression, so that's exactly what I'm going to practice regardless of what anyone else says.

Angela Userbox

I think that's it for the about section. If I kept going, I'd totally just drone off about whatever at that point lol. If you'd like to reach me, you can contact me via Discord (akaalogic) or my Naver mail, palelibrarian@naver.com. Discord is the best way to reach me, but either works.


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