Brain-rotted Variety Set

Greetings, dear user.

I am Akashi, here to welcome you to my web-page, where I host a variety of different things for my interests and ramblings. The purpose of this web-page is mainly for self-indulgence, to talk or post about whatever I want or feel like, about the things that make me tick and what-not. Really, it is supposed to serve as my own little space to do whatever I want, I guess. Feel free to take a look around, though.

There are a variety of different things to look at on this website, so feel free to use any of the links to take a look around. It might not be very interesting stuff, and some might think it is weird, but I hope you will get at least a little enjoyment out of it. That being said, I am still fairly new to web-hosting, so forgive me if things are weird or do not look good, I am trying my best and am still learning how it all works.

Do note that I do have a lot of feelings and opinions that may be considered a "hot take." You will not agree with everything I say. I do not have any morally reprehensible takes, but I do have a lot of "strong feelings" about certain things. English is not my first language, and I do have autism, so my way of typing or using grammar may seem weird. If you feel like you will be offended or pissed off in some way by my ramblings, opinions, or whatever else I host here, you are more than welcome to leave the site and not interact.

Please keep in mind that although updates will happen every once in a while, the web-page as a whole is subject to change at any time. I will keep a log of all the changes I make in the changelog, but do not be surprised if something is edited randomly from time to time.

That is all I have to say here. May you find your book in this place.

Although there are parts of the website that are specifically 18+, do keep in mind that the entire site is not suitable for minors, nor is it intended for them. Viewer discretion is advised.

Hosted on Neocities since 2024.